This was originally posted on our Facebook page but we realize not all our members use social media we are sharing it here as well. To view all our current sponsors and partnerships we have created a new Sponsors page, now visible in the site menu. These are all amazing businesses, join us in our appreciation and check out their websites and social media accounts.
We need to take a moment and update everyone on something inspiring and amazing. Quite honestly Odis Franklin and I are speechless. We felt inspired to share this experience of bikepacking with veterans and started this with nothing more than a conversation on a mountain somewhere in New Mexico with John Lange Carter. A spark of an idea was all we had. We started talking to people and sharing ideas and the Trail Warrior Project Sap&Sprocket was started. You are all amazing people. We are speechless and inspired. We are completely in awe of all of you who have already stepped forward to pledge your support with donations. Not only have we already started purchasing gear but we have already scheduled the first trips. With all the craziness happening in the world around us it is easy to think negatively. Rest assured - there are good people in this world, lots of them. We will begin posting special thank you messages to all those who have shown support so far and will continue as more come forward. Be sure to reach out and like/share/say thanks to those as you see them. Let’s work together to keep this momentum going. To those who have already helped - THANK YOU - from our hearts. We have had people tell us this project inspired them to want to help. We are telling all of you that your support has inspired us to want to do even more. Thank you to those who have pledged support and thank you to those of you who will feel motivated to be the next to help. These will be expeditions leaving lasting memories for our Veterans. Stay tuned. #dontbesucharoadie #trailwarriorproject #veteranadventurecycling
